Video: Norman Foster Recreates Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Car
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on Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Car,
Norman Foster,
“I was privileged to collaborate with Bucky for the last 12 years of
his life and this had a profound influence on my own work and thinking.
Inevitably, I also gained an insight into his philosophy and
achievements,” shared Lord Norman Foster.
Recreating the legendary futuristic Dymaxion Car, Foster’s No. 4
version was a lengthy and expensive two year project, but was obviously
a labor of love. Buckminster Fuller’s
futuristic three wheeled car was brief, with a mere three actually
built. Incredibly efficient the streamlined body with long tail-fin
averaged 35 miles to the gallon and could achieve 120 mph. The Zeppelin
inspired design with a V8 Ford engine was intended to fly as well,
Fuller’s vision of revolutionizing how people traveled.