anatomy of alunar


lunar eclipse august 5 2009

Get your cameras and telescopes ready. Tonight in the United States, there will be a lunar eclipse: August 5, 2009.

UPDATE: For the latest, stay tuned to our Lunar Eclipse page here

The eclipse will occur at 13 degrees of Aquarius at 8:55pm EDT. Here on the east coast, this lunar eclipse will take place shortly after sunset with the moon looming over the horizon.

This is a unique lunar eclipse in that it’s the third lunar eclipse of the season, and second this summer.

For horoscope and astrology lovers, this rare occurrence will bring out the Aquarian influences in your life.

what Is a Lunar Eclipse?

what Is a Lunar Eclipse?

We live in a world that seems so ordered; the Sun rises, goes across the sky and then sets. The Moon goes through its phases from new to full and back again. It all seems like clockwork, and then, something unusual happens that seems to throw the orderly timing of the cosmos into chaos. On a night when the moon rises full and beautiful, it starts to change, at first it is so subtle few notice it. But then, every so slowly, the moon begins to dim, and more alarming yet, it disappears.

One can only imagine how frightening the sight of a lunar eclipse must have been for our ancestors. Far more than us, they were in tune with the rhythms of the cosmos, the motions of the Sun, Moon and planets were the motions these people lived by. They told time by the daily passing of the Sun, or full moon to full moon gauged longer periods of time. And the the very stars marked the passing of seasons. The skies were orderly and dependable, except for when an eclipse happened. During that time, chaos reigned, and our ancestors prayed and begged for the Moon to be returned to the sky.

Eclipses have even influenced history, and even today there are those who still attach ancient superstitions to an eclipse. But such are the few, today we know what causes lunar eclipses. And although it may seem a magic show of shadow and light and a disappearing act by the Moon, we know how the "magic" works, but we can still appreciate the beauty.

There are actually several type of lunar eclipses, total, partial and penumbral. The upcoming eclipse is the best kind, a total lunar eclipse. This kind can only take place when the Earth passes directly in front of a full Moon, thus casting its shadow on the Moon's surface.

There are two parts to the Earth's shadow, the penumbra, and the umbra. The penumbra is the outer part of the shadow where sunlight is not completely blocked. The penumbral shadow only dims the Moon every so slightly, in fact unless you are in very dark skies, you may not notice this part of the eclipse at all. The umbra is the actual shadow created by the Earth. You will notice the Moon getting darker from the left side first. During the time when the entire Moon is in the umbra, it is said to be in totality.

Many people are surprised that the eclipsed moon is reddish but there is a reason. Some of the sunlight passes through the Earth's atmosphere and is bent around behind the Earth and towards the moon. The shorter wavelengths of light is scattered and only the longer orange and red wavelengths reach the moon. It is usually just enough light to cast a coppery red hue on the Moon.

There are times however, such as when there have been volcanic eruptions on the Earth, that the light is so scattered that almost no light reaches the moon and it may be so dark as to be not seen at all.

When the Moon is in totality, you will notice that the whole sky gets darker. You may not have realized just how bright a full moon is until it gets blocked out in an eclipse! Notice too that before the Moon started getting darker you could probably only see a few of the brightest stars in the sky, but during totality, you will see many more stars when they are not obscured by the Moon's light.

Totality can last for over an hour and a half and then gradually, the Moon will reappear, first a tiny sliver and soon as the full Moon it had been.

Now, we mentioned that there are other types of lunar eclipses. A partial lunar eclipse is when only part of the Moon travels through the umbral shadow of the Earth. Depending on how much of the Moon passes through, you may or may not notice this type of eclipse. A penumbral eclipse is when the Moon passes only through the penumbral shadow of the Earth. During a penumbral eclipse, you would likely not notice any darkening of the Moon unless you were in very dark skies and were looking for it! Therefore, we don't recommend watching penumbral eclipses.

Partial Eclipse of the Sun July 1, 2011

Partial Eclipse of the Sun
July 1, 2011

This partial eclipse can only be seen from the ocean. It is an almost insignificant eclipse for the maximum obscuration is 9.7%. The darkening in actuality would be almost impossible to see if viewed from space (compared to the graphic).

Our Moon for Sunday evening, June 19th, four hours after sunset.

The software for this image is free and can be found at
What time is sunrise or sunset for you? Check this website out (time and

Total Eclipse of the Moon
June 15, 2011

Sorry USA... we will see nothing!
For many in the eastern hemisphere, this will be happening on the morning of the 16th.

Total Eclipse of the Sun - August 21, 2017 - USA

Click on the map to see the full animation

Past Animations

Click on the lunar eclipse graphic above for past animations of eclipses, meteor showers and more.

Jovian moons on the night of September 3, 2009

Click the graphic to see photos!

Past Photographs

November 7, 2004

January 30, 2001

May 15, 2005

November 20, 2003


Retrograde motion of Mars 1988

Past Graphics


July 2000

Check out amazing lunar eclipse photos and video from Winter Solstice total lunar eclipse 2010.

Check out amazing lunar eclipse photos and video from Winter Solstice total lunar eclipse 2010.

From Denny: The most "recent" where the Winter Solstice and a total lunar eclipse occurred was on 21 Dec 1638. The next one won't be that long of a wait and will occur on 21 Dec 2094.

Yes, at our house, we went out into the night to gaze into the heavens to witness the celestial event. We parked ourselves on our back patio next to the small lake, bundled up under a thick quilt and enjoyed the clear skies an hour before the official time of the completed lunar eclipse. Good thing we went out to star gaze early as about 15 minutes before the official time of the event the sky completely clouded up with thick dark clouds and obscured all view of the starts and especially the moon.

We observed the Earth's shadow as it began to creep slowly over the moon's surface. As the shadow advanced the moon turned a pale coppery color like a dark blood red. At first it was an odd shade of reddish gray but then advanced to the coppery hue.

What was cool was how the moon really did appear to glow from within as one of these photos demonstrates. The moon remained covered with the Earth's shadow for about 30 minutes, deepening to the darker red known as the "blood moon." Then the cloud cover moved in like it was a curtain from a Las Vegas show saying "That's all, folks!" The air began to grow chilly, dropping in temperature by ten degrees quickly and the fog moved in off the lake.

We never did get to see the Earth's shadow move off the moon after the eclipse. It stayed cloudy all the next day and into the next night until late. When we finally did see the moon again it was huge and low in the sky shining with a stunning brilliance!

It was well worth the effort to get up in the middle of the night to view this cosmic event. We now have bragging rights at our house until 2094 when the next Winter Solstice total lunar eclipse occurs. :)

Check out the NASA Eclipse website. Make sure to stay tuned to the sky for a partial solar eclipse coming soon and to appear on 4 January 2011.

This photo is from 2008 and just spectacular so I just had to post it. :)

To submit your photos of the eclipse, go to Shadow and Substance astronomy site.

Another incredible time lapse video of the total lunar eclipse from KxbTV on YouTube, produced by Kareem Brown.

Crystal Harris Parties Poolside In Vegas Instead Of Getting Married


Despite criticism from some of her Playboy sisters (Holly Madison called Crystal’s play day in Sin City “disgusting” and “tacky”), Crystal was unapologetic about her actions.

“I’m doing okay. I just had to get away. Today is the day and I just had to get away. I’m going back tonight so I just wanted to get away for the day.”

I don’t believe it for a second. If you really just needed to get away, why would you pick a place that is crawling with paparazzi? And then pose for pictures for said paparazzi? I think it was a deliberate play to continue generating as much publicity as possible. Me? Cynical? Naaahhhh…..

Meanwhile, Crystal spoke about her ex-fiance as though he were rather an aged relative whom she’d placed in an old folks’ home:

“I love (Hefner). He is the sweetest person I’ve ever met in my entire life and I’ll always love him and he’ll always be a dear friend and I’ll always visit him all the time.”

First visit: Crystal supposedly stopped by the Playboy Mansion on Monday to return her engagement ring to the Hef. Poor Hef! His tweets about being dumped are so sad, and he seems to be trying not to be a jerk. He has nothing to worry about though – I’m sure there are plenty of other girls just waiting in line to get their hands on his money Hefner’s big heart.


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Robbie Williams comforts Joss Stone

Robbie Williams comforts Joss Stone

The Take That star invited the songstress to one of the band’s gig in Cardiff, Wales, on Thursday night after learning about the alleged plot to kidnap her.

Robbie reportedly used his cheeky sense of humour to cheer the stunning star up after her traumatic week.

"Robbie and Joss have been mates for years. He got straight on the phone to see if she was OK and invited her to Wales,” a source told British newspaper The Sun. "She's still in shock but Robbie did his best to put a smile back on her face. His cheeky chappy side was in overdrive when they met up after the gig. She was making light of it too, joking that it's been like an episode of Midsomer Murders."

Kevin Liverpool, 33, and Junior Bradshaw, 30, both from Manchester, England, were charged by Devon and Cornwall Police with conspiracy to commit robbery and conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm. The pair were found near the star’s home in a Devon village on Tuesday with a car that contained an arsenal of weapons as well as rope, a sword and a body bag.

They also had aerial pictures and maps of Joss’ property, and were originally arrested as it was thought they were planning to rob her.


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Was Amy Winehouse's Belgrade gig really that bad?

Was Amy Winehouse's Belgrade gig really that bad?

Amy Winehouse's gig in Belgrade has been called the worst concert ever to take place in the city. Even Serbian defence minister Dragan Sutanovac put the boot in, calling it "a huge shame and a disappointment".

Audience members have inundated YouTube with clips from the concert showing a sozzled Winehouse leading a startled backing dancer to sing Valerie, taking her shoe off for no apparent reason, and giving up halfway through Just Friends in order to introduce the band – whose names she struggles to remember.

Much has been made of the fact that audience members paid £35 a ticket in a country where the average wage is £274 a month – though that is hardly her fault.

Yet was the gig really that bad? While addiction is clearly no laughing matter, the elements of the gig Winehouse is being pilloried for are praised in other musicians. As music critic Simon Price pointed out on Twitter, when Bob Dylan renders his back catalogue unrecognisable, as he did in London's Finsbury Park at the weekend, people think he's a maverick genius. When Arctic Monkeys frontman Alex Turner stops singing Mardy Bum and lets the crowd take over, people applaud it as a communal moment. When Robbie Williams has a wardrobe malfunction – according to the Sun, his penis fell out onstage in Dublin – it's a laugh rather than a cause for concern.

Winehouse is now typecast as a troubled diva. Yet watching her rendition of Back to Black on YouTube, to my ears it's not even that bad. Sure she sings around the tune, but she's always done that – she's a jazz singer. Her rendition of Just Friends is listless (to put it mildly), but it never had much of a tune in the first place. Though admittedly hindered by booze, the musician in Winehouse is still trying to put a new spin on songs she must be heartily sick of by now. If the people of Belgrade wanted note-perfect versions, perhaps they should have stayed at home and listened to the records.


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Jean Danker engaged to Glenn Ong

Kate Jean Danker engaged to Glenn Ong

"He put a ring on it!" Jean Danker first announced to friends and fans via Twitter in the wee hours on Saturday morning.

A rather inconspicuous tweet if not for the exclamation mark, considering the sexy ex-bachelorette has just been proposed to with a 1.75-carat Lazare solitaire engagement ring.

In an interview with xinmsn in February last year, Glenn had said "I think I can propose anytime already" and that if he proposes, he wants to do it the right way.

Indeed, the man kept his word. Knowing how attached Jean is to her parents, the loving Glenn went on not one but two bended knees, and popped the million dollar question last Friday night at Jean's parents' house.

"In the cutest manner, he asked, "Will you marry me?" with the biggest grin on his face and earnest puppy dog eyes!" Jean reminisced, "I said yes immediately, no pregnant pause!" (Laughs)

Yesterday, when xinmsn spoke to the newly-engaged Jean in a telephone interview, she sounded composed despite the oodles of joy from a surprise weekend engagement. "I'm almost a little shy about it," Jean said.

Apparently, it was only a couple of weeks back that Glenn "asked my parents for my hand" and got their approval. Jean's parents then played along pretending not to know about his proposal.

"It [the proposal] came as a surprise! It's great. I'm really happy," Jean shared, "We've talked a lot about marriage, not too long ago, but I didn't think it'll be so soon!"

"But I've been very chilled about it, actually. It's my girlfriends who are more excited!"

No wedding date has been set yet for the couple who's been dating for over two years now. Jean said, "We haven't thought about anything yet. It could be soon or it could be a long engagement!"

The soon-to-be Mrs Ong mused, "I always recognise [that] it's him and me. It could be a simple ceremony or a grand wedding, regardless, I'd still be very happy."

Glenn was previously married to fellow deejays Kate Reyes for three years and Jamie Yeo for five years, until their high-profile separation in 2009.

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Nokia shows off new strategy at Nokia Connection 2011 in Singapore

Nokia N9Nokia shows its new strategy in action

- Launches three new Series 40 mobile phones with advanced browser and maps

- Pinpoints July as start date for Symbian Anna delivery

- Plans up to 10 new Symbian smartphones over next 12 months

- Unveils Nokia N9 smartphone

- Announces continued support for Qt as part of ‘next billion’ strategy

Singapore – Today, at an event webcast around the world, Nokia CEO Stephen Elop demonstrated how the company is making significant progress on the new strategy it laid out earlier this year. From smartphones to mobile phones, from services to user interface design, and from improved device experiences to developer tools, Nokia outlined concrete actions for growth and taking leadership across the board.

“Earlier this year, we outlined a comprehensive strategy to change our course,” said Stephen Elop, president and CEO of Nokia. “Innovation is at the heart of our strategy, and today we took important steps to demonstrate a new pace of innovation at Nokia. It’s the beginning of a new era for Nokia.”

In mobile phones, Nokia introduced three new affordable devices – the Nokia C2-02, Nokia C2-03 and Nokia C2-06. The portfolio includes dual and single SIM options, and all three models offer a new, advanced web and maps experience for Series 40 phone users, as well as the choice of a touch screen or a keypad.

Nokia also restated its commitment to Symbian. This July, Nokia will start shipping Nokia N8s, E7s, C7s and C6-01s with the new Symbian Anna software update, which includes a number of user experience improvements. By the end of August, existing owners of these devices can also download Symbian Anna. And over the next 12 months Nokia plans to bring up to 10 new Symbian-based smartphones to market.

Nokia also revealed its latest smartphone: the Nokia N9, an all-screen device with three home views and a new user interface navigated through a simple swipe of the finger. The Nokia N9 comes in a polycarbonate design that enables superior antenna performance for better reception, better voice quality and fewer dropped calls; and a smarter all-round experience with NFC for sharing and pairing to accessories. The Nokia N9 will drive new innovation in the consumer experience, and inspire developers to build more powerful Qt applications.

The Qt framework is at the core of Nokia’s existing smartphone product line, and today there are more than 100 million Nokia Qt devices worldwide. Ovi Store consumers are downloading an increasing number of Qt applications, including in high-growth markets like Asia-Pacific. Tapping into this trend, Nokia will make Qt core to building applications that connect the next billion users to the internet. For Qt developers, this will mean a dramatic increase in reach and opportunity during the coming years.


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2PM drops their music video for “Hands Up”!

2PM drops their music video for “Hands Up”

A few days ago, 2PM galvanized K-pop fans the world over with the teaser for their title track, “Hands Up“, and now the music video has been released!

JYP Entertainment revealed to allkpop that, “2PM’s ‘Hands Up’ is a fun club dance track that will allow fans to enjoy the summer season with 2PM. We ask for your attention and interest.”

Working the camera like the red carpet princes they are, 2PM has prepared a phenomenal new work which was filmed in Singapore for their fans and definitely make you put your hands up!

Check out the music video below!

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Raven Symone Reveals Her Weight Loss Secret

Raven Symone Reveals Her Weight Loss Secret

Raven-Symoné, the 25 year old singer and actress who played Oliva in The Cosby Show, recently opened up to Vibe Magazine about her dramatic weight loss as well as the fact that it didn’t boost her confidence a bit.

Symoné, who also goes by just Raven, also admitted that the amount of attention and praise that her new slender figure attracts is quite humorous.

“I find it funny that people now come up to me and say, ‘Wow, you are absolutely gorgeous. I’m like, ‘I was beautiful before I lost weight. Egotistically speaking, I thought I was amazing.’”
When talk show host Wendy Williams asked Symone for her figure slimming secret, the former That’s So Raven star replied “less stress.”


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Summer Solstice - A Three Day Event for the First Time

The longest day – Summer Solstice 21st June 2011

Business owners expect a stimulus from the colorful festival

It started as a colorful, creative and artistic parade up State Street, followed by a music and food party in Alameda Park. But Santa Barbara's Summer Solstice festival is now going to be a three day event for the first time.

It starts Friday with an afternoon of music in Alameda Park for those anticipating the Saturday parade which starts at noon. Sunday, there will be art, food and music at the park all afternoon. They will also have a two day children's area, and large art boards for a public mural that local residents can create using brushes and paint provided by the Solstice staff.

Alex Weinstein of Ultimate Bagels, says Solstice is his second biggest day of the year. "The exposure we got as a new business last year was just awesome. It brings in a lot of people from around the Tri-County area, that don't always know we're here."

Many downtown businesses say the Solstice events this weekend will be an economic stimulus they badly need. " And Santa Barbara does a great job promoting these business and promoting these events that in turn bring in people and have people spending money. That's what the economy really needs," said Weinstein.


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Ryan O'Neal makes shocking claim about Farrah Fawcett's cancer to Piers Morgan

Ryan O'Neal makes shocking claim about Farrah Fawcett's cancer to Piers Morgan

Ryan O'Neal's interview with Piers Morgan is airing on Monday night, and it may be the most controversial yet in the history of the CNN show. Just how shocking is this? To put it in perspective, Piers himself tweeted that this interview is the most "explosive" and "emotion-charged" show since he started his new gig with the cable news channel.

Specifically, Piers is likely referring to this comment by Ryan when it came to his the death of his longtime love Farrah Fawcett:


"What bothers me the most is that there was turmoil during my love affair with Farrah, a lot of it caused by my family and my kids. All of them, but particularly Tatum. And I just think that if she had never met us, would she still be alive today? Because nobody knows what causes cancer.

O'Neal went on to add that Farrah "didn't smoke," "didn't drink," and didn't seem to have any problems at all before he entered Farrah's life -- and he wasn't able to "straighten out the mess" that he was in.

Continue reading on Ryan O’Neal makes shocking claim about Farrah Fawcett’s cancer to Piers Morgan.

Continue reading on Ryan O’Neal

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Ryan Dunn Dead: 'Jackass' Star Dies In Car Crash

Ryan Dunn Dead: 'Jackass' Star Dies In Car Crash

Ryan Dunn, one of the stars of MTV's "Jackass," has died in a car crash. He was 34.
NBC Philadelphia reports that Dunn and another passenger died in a 3 a.m crash at Route 322 and New Street in West Goshen Township, Pennsylvania.
The news of the death was confirmed by April Margera, mother of "Jackass" star Bam, in an interview with a local radio show . TMZ also confirmed with Margera .


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Shrek Virus Hits True Victim or Publicity Stunt?

Dating website for “good-looking people”) issued a press release claiming it washacked.
It said a virus, dubbed the “Shrek Virus,” broke down the website’s exclusivity.

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Which is the best forex trading software in the market? With hundreds of forex brokers offering their services online, choosing the right broker is a task that is no less difficult than creating a successful strategy sometimes. The average trader is unlikely to have enough time check all of the various features of the forex software packages offered by the brokers and even if he had time, it is not possible to fully evaluate and appreciate the complex features of a good trading platform with a cursory examination. We would like to expedite this process for you by providing these forex trading software reviews from the markets most legitimate and reputable brokers. As indicated in the "US Clients" column, only the NFA regulated brokers are available to U.S. traders.

Heidi Montag Says She Works Out “Like, 14 Hours A Day, Like From 5am To 7pm”

Heidi Montag Says She Works Out “Like, 14 Hours A Day, Like From 5am To 7pm”

This Heidi Montag broad clearly has issues. After getting 60 stacks worth of plastic surgery a couple years ago, this heffa is now talking about how she works out 14 hours a day…
Before she slipped back intoa bikini for Saturday’s party at Las Vegas’ Wet Republic — the last time she was photographed in a two-piece was April 2010 — Heidi Montag spent some serious time in the gym.


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Which is the best forex trading software in the market? With hundreds of forex brokers offering their services online, choosing the right broker is a task that is no less difficult than creating a successful strategy sometimes. The average trader is unlikely to have enough time check all of the various features of the forex software packages offered by the brokers and even if he had time, it is not possible to fully evaluate and appreciate the complex features of a good trading platform with a cursory examination. We would like to expedite this process for you by providing these forex trading software reviews from the markets most legitimate and reputable brokers. As indicated in the "US Clients" column, only the NFA regulated brokers are available to U.S. traders.

Announcing the 2011 Miss World Contestants

The Miss World Organisationhas announced the 2011 Miss World Pageant contestants!<br />*. Miss Angoloa – Edmilza Santos<br />*. Miss Argentina – Antonella Krugur<br />*. Miss Aruba – Gillain Berry<br />*. Miss Belgium – Justine Jonckheere<br />*. Miss COSTA RICA – Paola Chaverri<br />*. Miss CZECH REP – Denisa Domanska<br />*. Miss ECUADOR – Maria Vargas<br />*. Miss FRANCE – Laury Thilleman<br />*. Miss GHANA – Stephanie Karikari<br />*. Miss INDIA – Kanishtha Dhankhar<br />*. Miss ISRAEL – Ella Ran<br />*. Miss JAPAN – Midori Tanaka<br />*. Miss KAZAKHSTAN – ZhannaZhumaliyeva<br />*. Miss LATVIA – Alise Miskovska<br />*. Miss MAURITIUS – Laetitia Darche<br />*. Miss MEXICO – Cynthia de laVega<br />*. Miss RUSSIA – Natalia Gantimurova<br />*. Miss SLOVAKIA – Michaela Nurcikova<br />*. Miss SOUTH AFRICA – Bokang Montjane<br />*. Miss SPAIN – Carla Garcia<br />*. Miss VENEZUELA – Ivianl Sarcos<br />*. Miss ZIMBABWE – Malaika Mushandu<br />Website:

The Miss World Organisationhas announced the 2011 Miss World Pageant contestants!
*. Miss Angoloa – Edmilza Santos
*. Miss Argentina – Antonella Krugur
*. Miss Aruba – Gillain Berry
*. Miss Belgium – Justine Jonckheere
*. Miss COSTA RICA – Paola Chaverri
*. Miss CZECH REP – Denisa Domanska
*. Miss ECUADOR – Maria Vargas
*. Miss FRANCE – Laury Thilleman
*. Miss GHANA – Stephanie Karikari
*. Miss INDIA – Kanishtha Dhankhar
*. Miss ISRAEL – Ella Ran
*. Miss JAPAN – Midori Tanaka
*. Miss KAZAKHSTAN – ZhannaZhumaliyeva
*. Miss LATVIA – Alise Miskovska
*. Miss MAURITIUS – Laetitia Darche
*. Miss MEXICO – Cynthia de laVega
*. Miss RUSSIA – Natalia Gantimurova
*. Miss SLOVAKIA – Michaela Nurcikova
*. Miss SOUTH AFRICA – Bokang Montjane
*. Miss SPAIN – Carla Garcia
*. Miss VENEZUELA – Ivianl Sarcos
*. Miss ZIMBABWE – Malaika Mushandu


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Which is the best forex trading software in the market? With hundreds of forex brokers offering their services online, choosing the right broker is a task that is no less difficult than creating a successful strategy sometimes. The average trader is unlikely to have enough time check all of the various features of the forex software packages offered by the brokers and even if he had time, it is not possible to fully evaluate and appreciate the complex features of a good trading platform with a cursory examination. We would like to expedite this process for you by providing these forex trading software reviews from the markets most legitimate and reputable brokers. As indicated in the "US Clients" column, only the NFA regulated brokers are available to U.S. traders.

The battle of the bikinis: Miss USA 2011 contestants assemble in Las Vegas

Despite the apparent glamour, the beauties that have flown to Nevada from all around the United States to compete for the title of Miss USA 2011, face a gruelling few days.

Based at the Planet Hollywood hotel, the girls aretied into a heavy schedule of 16-18 hours of interviews with judges each day.

Then there are back-to-back photo shoots at various Sin City hotels, not to mention the filming of segments to form part of the NBC live broadcast on June 19th.

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Which is the best forex trading software in the market? With hundreds of forex brokers offering their services online, choosing the right broker is a task that is no less difficult than creating a successful strategy sometimes. The average trader is unlikely to have enough time check all of the various features of the forex software packages offered by the brokers and even if he had time, it is not possible to fully evaluate and appreciate the complex features of a good trading platform with a cursory examination. We would like to expedite this process for you by providing these forex trading software reviews from the markets most legitimate and reputable brokers. As indicated in the "US Clients" column, only the NFA regulated brokers are available to U.S. traders.

Sean Bean stabbed over April Summers's Love

Sean Bean stabbed over April Summers

The James Bond baddie was smoking a cigarette with girlfriend April Summers outside a trendy pub when her ex-boyfriend spotted them. He allegedly launched a foul-mouthed tirade at blonde April, 22.

Bean, 52, is then believed to have given him an earful for abusing the model - real name Nadia Foster. Later the star went for another ciggie and was stabbed in the arm then punched in the face.

Staff at the boozer offered to call an ambulance - but the rugged actor shrugged off his injuries on Sunday. After being treated with a first-aid kit he ordered more drinks at The Hill in Belsize Park, North West London.

Bean - who starred in 007 flick GoldenEye and played a tough soldier in ITV drama Sharpe - divorced his fourth wife Georgina Sutcliffe last December after two years together.

It is believed he started seeing lads' mag favourite April in January. The pair have even spoken about marriage. She had a tempestuous two-year relationship with her 33-year-old ex.

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Forex Trading Software Reviews

Which is the best forex trading software in the market? With hundreds of forex brokers offering their services online, choosing the right broker is a task that is no less difficult than creating a successful strategy sometimes. The average trader is unlikely to have enough time check all of the various features of the forex software packages offered by the brokers and even if he had time, it is not possible to fully evaluate and appreciate the complex features of a good trading platform with a cursory examination. We would like to expedite this process for you by providing these forex trading software reviews from the markets most legitimate and reputable brokers. As indicated in the "US Clients" column, only the NFA regulated brokers are available to U.S. traders.

Vancouver Fans Riot as Canucks Lose Stanley Cup [PHOTOS]

Vancouver Fans Riot as Canucks Lose Stanley Cup [PHOTOS]

Soon after the Vancouver Canucks lost game seven of the Stanley Cup hockey series to the Boston Bruins, rioting broke out. As the violence became more intense, we found numerous pictures on photo-sharing sites such as Twitpic and yfrog.

As you can see in the picture above and in the gallery below, a car was set on fire, a truck was flipped over, and when police entered the area of downtown Vancouver with full riot gear, crazed fans were throwing beer bottles and shoes at their plastic shields, according to CTV News.

Forex Trading Software Reviews

Which is the best forex trading software in the market? With hundreds of forex brokers offering their services online, choosing the right broker is a task that is no less difficult than creating a successful strategy sometimes. The average trader is unlikely to have enough time check all of the various features of the forex software packages offered by the brokers and even if he had time, it is not possible to fully evaluate and appreciate the complex features of a good trading platform with a cursory examination. We would like to expedite this process for you by providing these forex trading software reviews from the markets most legitimate and reputable brokers. As indicated in the "US Clients" column, only the NFA regulated brokers are available to U.S. traders.

‘Barefoot Bandit’ Colton Harris-Moore back in court

‘Barefoot Bandit’ Colton Harris-Moore back in court

Colton Harris-Moore -- Camano Island's own"Barefoot Bandit" and international celebrity fugitive --again pleaded not guilty to a string of burglaries on Thursday.
Appearing Thursday in U.S. District Court, Harris-Moore pleaded not guilty to chargescontained in a second grand jury indictment filed last month .
The case, however, may be resolved soon.
John Henry Browne, Harris-Moore's attorney, said prosecutors and the defense are "very close" to a plea deal for the Barefoot Bandit. A preliminary draft of the plea deal could be completedlater Thursday.
Browne wouldn't offer details of the plea deal but said it would resolve criminalaccusations against Harris-Moore in state and federal courts.
Harris-Moore, 20, is facing a slew of charges stemming from his lengthy flight from justice. The alleged plane andboat thief was arrested in the Bahamas after he crashed a stolen aircraft there in July.

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Which is the best forex trading software in the market? With hundreds of forex brokers offering their services online, choosing the right broker is a task that is no less difficult than creating a successful strategy sometimes. The average trader is unlikely to have enough time check all of the various features of the forex software packages offered by the brokers and even if he had time, it is not possible to fully evaluate and appreciate the complex features of a good trading platform with a cursory examination. We would like to expedite this process for you by providing these forex trading software reviews from the markets most legitimate and reputable brokers. As indicated in the "US Clients" column, only the NFA regulated brokers are available to U.S. traders.

Drop Dead Diva Season 3 Premieres Sunday

Lifetime’s hit show “Drop Dead Diva” is back for another run Sunday night asSeason 3 of the comedy finally begins.
And the season premiere even has a couple of special guest, starting with former “American Idol” judge Paula Abdul, who joins the rest of the comedic cast.
The third season opens withAbdul making another appearance as Jane’s voice of reason.  During the premiere she will give Jane advice about her relationship with the character Grayson Kent.

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Which is the best forex trading software in the market? With hundreds of forex brokers offering their services online, choosing the right broker is a task that is no less difficult than creating a successful strategy sometimes. The average trader is unlikely to have enough time check all of the various features of the forex software packages offered by the brokers and even if he had time, it is not possible to fully evaluate and appreciate the complex features of a good trading platform with a cursory examination. We would like to expedite this process for you by providing these forex trading software reviews from the markets most legitimate and reputable brokers. As indicated in the "US Clients" column, only the NFA regulated brokers are available to U.S. traders.

Katy Perry Wants Fans To'Just Dance' For A Chance To Meet Her On Tour

Katy Perry Wants Fans To'Just Dance' For A Chance To Meet Her On Tour

In Katy Perry 's hot new video"Last Friday Night," the pop star dances along with viral star Rebecca Black in the video game "Just Dance 2." Now, Perry has teamed up with video game maker Ubisoft for the "Just Dance Your Way to Katy Perry" contest.

For this contest, fans can winVIP tickets and meet-and-greet passes to Katy's shows across the US and Canada. For a chance to win, fans can film themselves and their friends dancing to Katy 's hit single "Firework" on Ubisoft's dance game "Just Dance 2," and then post it to the Just Dance 2 Facebook page.

Check out the video above to see Katy's song "Last Friday Night" and for more information on the contest, visit Ubisoft's Facebook page at

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Which is the best forex trading software in the market? With hundreds of forex brokers offering their services online, choosing the right broker is a task that is no less difficult than creating a successful strategy sometimes. The average trader is unlikely to have enough time check all of the various features of the forex software packages offered by the brokers and even if he had time, it is not possible to fully evaluate and appreciate the complex features of a good trading platform with a cursory examination. We would like to expedite this process for you by providing these forex trading software reviews from the markets most legitimate and reputable brokers. As indicated in the "US Clients" column, only the NFA regulated brokers are available to U.S. traders.

The Beatles: Paul McCartney blames John Lennon for band's split

The Beatles: Paul McCartney blames John Lennon for band's split

In an interview with Absolute Radio's Geoff Lloyd , Paul McCartney blames the break-up of The Beatles on the late John Lennon . The reason? The Yoko Factor, of course.

"Basically, me, George [Harrison] and Ringo [Starr] , said, 'Does this have to be final? Could we do a couple ofgigs or can we think about this tomorrow?'" McCartney says. "But John was off with Yoko [Ono] and he was saying, 'No, no, it's great -- I feel a release,' and all that. So that was kind of final."

During the same interview, McCartney "criticized" the Queen of England for not knighting his band mate Ringo. All four members of the band are Members of theOrder of the British Empire, but only McCartney was knighted (in 1997).

McCartney jokes that he triedto ask the Queen for the honor on his friend's behalf."The last time I went by she was out, otherwise I would have popped in and said, 'Look, love, Sir Richard Starkey,' he says. "Because I do think it's about time, but she probably was a bit busy with Sir Brucie."

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Which is the best forex trading software in the market? With hundreds of forex brokers offering their services online, choosing the right broker is a task that is no less difficult than creating a successful strategy sometimes. The average trader is unlikely to have enough time check all of the various features of the forex software packages offered by the brokers and even if he had time, it is not possible to fully evaluate and appreciate the complex features of a good trading platform with a cursory examination. We would like to expedite this process for you by providing these forex trading software reviews from the markets most legitimate and reputable brokers. As indicated in the "US Clients" column, only the NFA regulated brokers are available to U.S. traders.

Lohan's father in car accident

Lohan's father in car accident

Lindsay Lohan's father Michael narrowly escaped serious injury on Friday after a bus crashed into the side ofhis car.

The Mean Girls star's father was driving along Los Angeles' Sunset Strip when a metro bus tried to overtake, and accidentally swiped his Jaguar vehicle.

Lohan walked away from thecrash unharmed, telling, "We exchanged information and everything is fine."


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Which is the best forex trading software in the market? With hundreds of forex brokers offering their services online, choosing the right broker is a task that is no less difficult than creating a successful strategy sometimes. The average trader is unlikely to have enough time check all of the various features of the forex software packages offered by the brokers and even if he had time, it is not possible to fully evaluate and appreciate the complex features of a good trading platform with a cursory examination. We would like to expedite this process for you by providing these forex trading software reviews from the markets most legitimate and reputable brokers. As indicated in the "US Clients" column, only the NFA regulated brokers are available to U.S. traders.

AKB48江口愛実は本当にCGか美容外科医に取材 「100%CG まるで能面のようですね」

CG Eguchi AKB48, Noh mask, 100% CG


この話題はインターネット上だけでなく新聞やテレビでも報じられ、美容整形外科の高須クリニック名古屋院院長 高須幹弥先生もブログで「AKB江口愛実は100%合成CGである!」と断言しており、20日の事務所による詳細発表の前にほぼCGだと断定されてしまっている状態。

美容のプロが言っているのだからほぼ間違いないとは思いますが、更にCGである信憑性を高めるべく、Pouch編集部でも美容整形外科の湘南美容外科 松岡孝明総括副院長に取材を依頼。お話を伺う事が出来ました。その取材内容は以下の通り。












Forex Trading Software Reviews

Which is the best forex trading software in the market? With hundreds of forex brokers offering their services online, choosing the right broker is a task that is no less difficult than creating a successful strategy sometimes. The average trader is unlikely to have enough time check all of the various features of the forex software packages offered by the brokers and even if he had time, it is not possible to fully evaluate and appreciate the complex features of a good trading platform with a cursory examination. We would like to expedite this process for you by providing these forex trading software reviews from the markets most legitimate and reputable brokers. As indicated in the "US Clients" column, only the NFA regulated brokers are available to U.S. traders.

Actions speak louder than words: Nick Jonas and girlfriend Delta Goodrem are hand-in-hand and can't stop grinning at brunch

Nick Jonas and girlfriend Delta Goodrem hand-in-hand

They have been keeping quiet about their new relationship and are rarely spotted out together. But yesterday Nick Jonas and girlfriend Delta Goodrem were seen heading out for a bite to eat hand in hand. The new couple, who have just returned from a tropical holiday in Bali, headed to Henry’s Hat in Studio City, California to grab some lunch.

Delta, who split from fiancé Brian McFadden on April 1 this year, was dressed in a cream jersey dress and a black leather jacket which she teamed with a pair of leggings and a pastel coloured scarf.

Her beau Nick, 18, was looking dapper in a shirt rolled to his sleeves tucked into a pair of dark jeans and smart brown shoes.

The couple shared a joke together and firmly held hands as they made their way into the eatery.

Enjoy the pictures of Nick Jonas and Delta Goodrem grabbing lunch in Studio City (June 12).

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Which is the best forex trading software in the market? With hundreds of forex brokers offering their services online, choosing the right broker is a task that is no less difficult than creating a successful strategy sometimes. The average trader is unlikely to have enough time check all of the various features of the forex software packages offered by the brokers and even if he had time, it is not possible to fully evaluate and appreciate the complex features of a good trading platform with a cursory examination. We would like to expedite this process for you by providing these forex trading software reviews from the markets most legitimate and reputable brokers. As indicated in the "US Clients" column, only the NFA regulated brokers are available to U.S. traders.